gaggle of geese definition

A pride of lions, a gaggle of geese, a

Define gaggle | Dictionary and Thesaurus.
Definition of goose in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of. Translations of goose. goose synonyms, goose antonyms. Information. gaggle - a flock of geese.
Democratic Underground - Definition of gaggle - to cackle; a flock.
gaggle of geese definition
A Gaggle of Geese … and Then Some | Seriously Funny Science.
Definitions. WordNet 3.6. v gaggle make a noise characteristic of a goose " Cackling geese"; n gaggle a flock of geese; ***. Webster's Revised Unabridged .
The definition of the word gaggle is a fleet of geese that are not in flight. This term may also mean an indefinite number or an aggregation, a group or a cluster.
RhymeZone: gaggle.
gaggle of geese definition
Definition: Gaggle (Meaning of Gaggle).gaggle n - definition in American English Dictionary - Cambridge.