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Is 5.56mm safe in my.223 Remington? - Cheaper Than Dirt.
In Stock.223/5.56 Ammo Deals | Slickguns.
Results 1 - 14 of 14. 223 REM,5.56mm ammunition manufacturer, bullets for sale, ballistics.223 nato, combat, load, arms, ammo, 556,, 223, .
Many people purchase 5.56 because it is cheaper than.223, but ... NATO specification 5.56mm ammunition is loaded to a pressure that .
Just a friendly warning;.223 & 5.56mm are NOT the same round.
Cheapest Online 5.56mm/.223 ammo..? - Police Forums & Law.

So far, I've found H&H Sportshops for $190/500 rounds of Federal Ammunition. http://yhst-25955672838162.stores.ya.amxm55fmj.html .
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government buying out all 5.56mm tells ammo. - Freedom Guide.
Mar 22, 2012. GOVERNMENT BUYING OUT ALL 5.56MM TELLS AMMO. ammo dealers that the government is going to buy all the 9mm and.45 ammo up, .
For an overview of 5.56mm ammunition types in various Fallout games, see. 5.56mm is common, light, cheap, easy to make, and is considered one of two .
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5.56mm round (Fallout: New Vegas) - The Fallout wiki - Wikia.Malaysian 5.56mm M193 ball ammo - AR15.Com Archive.