clientelism definition politics

Venezuela S Bolivarian Democracy: Participation, Politics, and. - Google Books Result.
Irish politics has often been characterized, in both academic analysis and popular discourse, as clientelist. clientelism, as a means by which people gain access .
Definition of clientelism in the dictionary. Meaning. A political system based on personal relations rather than personal merits, like a meritocracy.
This study has examined clientelist politics in Dublin by tracing exchanges .. contractual exchanges of clientelism exist within the collective group defined by .
Political Clientelism : The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics.
You find here clientelist meaning, synonyms of clientelist and images for. clientelism is the exchange of goods and services for political support. it is a political .
Book Reviews: Politics, democracy and social affairs: Patrons.
What does clientelism mean? -
clientelism definition politics
clientelism definition politics
Definition of clientelist. Meaning of clientelist. Synonyms of clientelist.The editors use the terms 'clientelism' and 'patronage' interchangeably (p. 7), and define clientelism as a direct exchange between politician and citizen in which .
It is argued that clientelism inflates the importance of cabinet membership as it provides the means to successfully pursue clientelistic politics. This has important .
Defined in this way, clientelism is a phenomenon that has occurred in many different. On the one hand, they have acquired a specifically political dimension .

Operationally, party-based clientelism is defined as a bias of public policy in favour of members of the governing political party. In a sample of local governments .
A theory of coalitions and clientelism: Coalition politics in Iceland.
The Politics of Clientelism: Democracy and the State in Colombia - Google Books Result.
clientelism (social science) -- Encyclopedia Britannica.